Posted In: Adventure, Skiing

Uinta XC Schussin’ Adventure

Yellow Pine XC Ski Trailhead Uintas

I’ll save you the bitching about yet another sub-average Wasatch snow pack this year. Instead, I’ll focus on the positive – when winter gives you lack of snow, you make the best of it and search out alternative means of schussin’. There’s only so much dodging tourists at the resort one can take, so instead we took to skinny skis and free-heels in search of a path less-traveled.

Timpanogos Back Drop - Uinta XC Ski XC Ski Break

If you consider yourself a competent alpine skier who’s never experienced the utter low-speed terror that is classic XC skiing, go rent yourself a set and head to the Uintas. Word to the wise – don’t expect to slow yourself down, or even think about turning. As someone who wouldn’t think twice about dropping in on the steepest of slopes on downhill skis, I was at the mercy of the mountain, especially the trees, descending 10° slopes sans-edges. It’s a humbling experience for someone who’s been able to ski almost as long as they’ve been walking, and it will certainly give you a sense of empathy towards those learning at the resort. However, lucky for us there was no one around to laugh at our misfortunes but ourselves.

The Notch - Uintas The Notch XC Ski The Notch Bar & Grill - Uintas

And of course no excursion to the Uintas is complete without the obligatory post-adventure burger and beer at the Notch. If you’re in the Park City area, stop by and see our friends at Storm Cycles for your nordic ski rental needs.

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